Code of Ethics
Appearances Marketing & Promotion’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion is expressed through our commitment to equality and treatment of all individuals with respect. We are committed to developing a rich culture and a diverse workforce and client base. This includes providing a healthy work environment in which every employee, contractor, and client is treated with respect and allowed the full opportunity to reach their individual potential.
Diversity at Appearances Marketing & Promotion refers to the characteristics that make every individual different from another. This includes characteristics or factors such as religion, race, ethnic origin, language, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, or any other potential factors of uniqueness.
We understand that the wide range of experiences and perspectives resulting from such diversity promotes innovation and success. A culture dedicated to diversity, and inclusion promotes creativity, accountability, kindness, and a workplace free from blame and finger-pointing.
We are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unjust discrimination. This commitment also extends to our clients and community members.